Tuesday, June 22, 2010


my new plushies is borned!
~they are forest goblins which have a good hearted.
 ~they protect the forest and live with the wildlife peacefully in the forest.
~the nose with a red dot is a male bubu and without it is a female bubu.
~so come to visit them in the next market ya^^ 

they are good friends!
the fancy flower bubu and the first bubu that i made~
i love this dark bubu very much~and now its is gifted to my friend~hope he will like it^^

wake up!!!

dream for so long~~
and its time to wake up!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

art for grab!

this is our second time at flea market.
plase come visit us and grab your favourite before its too late!!haha
see you there!

Monday, June 7, 2010

kaka art market 2010

here is where we place our stall,shaw parade~quite many people visit on that day.

busy preparing our stuff

our stall~~lukka~~

my teammates~babice and falling star.

my lovely teammate~sze,babice,falling star~
and 2 others who are absent that day,toothy and arson,must come on next market ya^^
i love this foto very very much~~

its is my first time in flea market 
and its is the first time for lukka too^^
i love lukka!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

sze//she,her's story

a very great good girl from stranger to senior,
from senior to friend,
from friend to buddy,
and now we are handmade machi too^^
always love her and appreciate her who help me a lot a lot.
thank you~gambatte~
please do support her on this coming kaka art market ya^^

kaka art market link at facebook:http://www.facebook.com/kakaartmarket
her//sze nice's  blogspot:http://szeliu.blogspot.com/

a fine art exhibition

a fine art exhibition with titled "Claiming idea"is hold at dasein gallery now until 10th of june!
please come and have a visit ya^^

yeah! i have 2 artworks will exhibit on this exhibition too!hehe
is fun and enjoy setting up the whole exhibition and.......this poster is designed by me with kim's guideness!hehe .hope you will like it as well~